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He will Keep You in Perfect Peace

Beautiful Soul Sisters,

The journey of becoming is difficult. Everyday isn't sunshine and roses. We don't always feel fabulous and empowered. And yet, we are called to a higher purpose so we have to muscle through. But how?

Please don't take this post as the end all, be all answer because I definitely don't have all the answers and I definitely don't have my own journey figured out. A part of my journey is to serve as a vessel of inspiration, encouragement and empowerment.

It's been raining like crazy in Tennessee, so. . . my little piece of glittering sunshine for this week is to keep your mind stayed on Jesus because He, and only He can give you perfect peace.

Sometimes we can get so wrapped up in the chaos of keeping it together, being strong, supporting others, and playing our roles, that we forget that Jesus is the provider of all of our needs and if we can just pause. . . breathe. . . and remember that the battles we face are His, our peace will return.

Nothing we set out to do can be done in our own strength alone. We must seek Jesus without ceasing and trust in Him. I am still learning not to stress over the things I cannot control nor change. I am still in the process finding my peace and solace in Jesus' promises and it's not an easy process because there isn't a stark beginning and end to it-- remember: you've never become, you're always becoming. The peace just comes and you won't even realize but when you do. . . you begin to wonder why you tried to do it all on your own in the first place.

Beautiful soul sisters, what stage of life are you in? what things are you struggling with? how are you handling them? Do not be dismayed, God promises to lead and guide us, that He will never leave, nor forsake us. He knew us before we were ever created. He's already figured everything out for us. So we'd stress a lot less if we just let God be God in our lives, instead of trying to control things, moments, people, outcomes, etc, that He's already laid out and planned.

I challenge you to take your stressors to God and let Him have them. Find your peace in Jesus and let Him use you for the good of His kingdom.

Happy Journey,

xoxo-- Jess

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