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Bold, Beautiful, & Blessed

"Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her!"-- Luke 1:45

My Dearest Beautiful Soul Sisters, it has been just over two months since I last sat down to chronicle my journey of becoming. Truth be told, I have lacked in discipline and diligence but God definitely has been dealing with me. He won't stop whispering in my ear or sending subtle reminders and affirmations of my purpose.

Not to justify or make excuses for my lack of discipline and diligence, but these last two months have been overwhelming-- from senior projects, to extracurricular obligations; from graduation, to moving; from staring my newest chapter to establishing my new normal routine. These last two months have been a whirl wind of preparation for what was coming next. Now, "next" is here and I am ready to recommit to this blog, to you all, and to my purpose.

After my first day of post-graduate work, I talked to my aunt who gave me great words of encouragement and advice. She quoted the scripture Luke 1:45. She told me that my obedience and diligence to keep my faith in God was manifesting right before me. It was a very brief, yet invigorating, moment of clarity. There have been many times when I doubted myself, doubted God's plan, questioned my actions, questioned specifics outcomes and circumstances; nevertheless, I persisted. I persisted to intentionally serve as a vessel of inspiration, encouragement, and empowerment. I persisted to do good by people. I persisted to seek God. I persisted to trust Him, despite my doubts and questions.

So, Beautiful Soul Sisters, I want to encourage each of you to remain steadfast and trust God. You may not understand why things are the way that they are. You may not understand how you'll make it through. You may not understand where you'll find the strength and courage. You may not understand what will happen. Allow me to give you some clarity and assure you of a few of God's promises. He will never leave you, nor forsake you. He won't give you more than you can handle. He promises you a good life and future. He will always go before you and plan your way. He will be your peace, love, joy, comfort, and strength.

I am by no means perfect or have it all figured, but God sees something in me and I wouldn't dare waste my potential or talents He's given me on doubt and questions. Therefore, I will do my due diligence to remind myself of His promises, in order to fulfill His purpose for my life, and I challenge each of you to do the same. There is something bigger and greater for you to fulfill and it is my earnest prayer and desire that each of us walk boldly in our purposes.

Happy Journey,

xoxo-- Jess

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