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To All My Beautiful Soul Sisters in Christ. . .

I am. . . a vibrant young woman with many interests, hobbies, and talents. I've accomplished many things in my short 21 years, but I've also failed miserably at many others. Nonetheless, here I am-- seeking to inspire, encourage, and empower.

As much as I like to think that I have it all figured out, I don't. My name is Jessica Paige Howard, the writer and creator of The Journey Journal. My favorite color is glitter, and sunshine makes me happy. I created The Journey Journal to be my little piece of glittering sunshine when I'm feeling down-- and yours too!

I'll admit, now that I am nearing the end of my collegiate career and real life "adult-ing" will start soon, I am a little nervous about who I am to become once I graduate. But then I have to remember that in this journey called life, I am never done becoming this ultimate being of me. I am always, consistently, evolving into a being that I have yet to imagine.

So, I am learning not to stress over the things I cannot control nor change, rather I am finding peace and solace in Jesus' promises for my life. As a result, I've become content with not knowing what may come next after graduation and trusting that everything will fall into place according to God's good and perfect will.

To my beautiful soul sisters, what stage of life are you in? what things are you struggling with? how are you handling them? Do not be dismayed, God promises to lead and guide us, that He will never leave, nor forsake us. He knew us before we were ever created. He's already figured everything out for us. So we'd stress a lot less if we just let God be God in our lives, instead of trying to control things, moments, people, outcomes, etc, that He's already laid out and planned.

I challenge you to take your stressors to God and let Him have them. You focus on letting Him use you to the fullest.

Happy Journey,

xoxo-- Jess

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